Saturday, September 10, 2011

Begin Again.

Colbie Callait.

That's all you have to say. Her music is so light and refreshing. So even though her song "Begin Again" is meant to be used between romantic couples... (Maybe I should use it to symbolize the couple of me and dieting!) I am using it to title my blog for today as a reminder that I am trying to maintain this positive attitude and every day I am going to "begin again" this diet thing! LOL...

"Well this is not the way that it should end, its the way it should begin. It's the way it should begin again!" ~Colbie Callait

So as I begin again another day I am proud of where I have come and look to the future. I didn't have breakfast today. (Not cause I didn't want to but because I didn't get up till 10 AM.) That's the thing with newborns. You tend to get your sleep schedule all out of whack! :o) So instead of eating breakfast I ate what I like to call a "Mexican Salmon Sandwich." I created it myself with a small can of Pink Salmon, a can of Pinto Beans, lime & lemon juice, cumin, cilantro, reduced fat cream cheese, and cheese all wrapped up in a flour tortilla. Then with PAM cooking spray I heated them up on a non stick pan. They were DELISH! I had that with a side of corn and the LAST Diet Pepsi soda in the house!

Then after a few feedings of the baby and playing with my daughter in the pool, I worked out for the first time in a WHILE. And it kicked my butt! I did Zumba on the Wii for 20 minutes and thought I was gonna die. Some of those moves were crazy hard and I was doing this on BEGINNER! Oh boy do I have a ways to go! Luckily I knew a few of the steps from Jazzercise (like the grapevine). But some stuff was crazy. It looks like Zumba targeted my calves cause I feel the lactic acid building in them as I type! Eeeek! I told my husband to go up stairs cause I was self conscious about working out in front of him. But after about 10 minutes I felt a lot more comfortable with it... lol. I made it to level 4 (out of 4!) Which means that I was keeping up. And the game lets you set up an exercise program for the week. So tomorrow I will be doing Beginner 2 and take a couple days off and then do Intermediate 1! Ohhhh man! lol...

So after Zumba I did some crafty stuff. I made 2 garters for my friend Kala's wedding. :O) That was fun. For dinner the family had "Thrifty Chicken & Broccoli" out of the same cookbook from yesterday. It was really delicious but I think this recipe could also use a bit of tweeking to make them more friendly to the dieting person. Although I am still hungry.

Yea, this is why I hate dieting. The hunger. Its probably why I give up. Right now all I want is a cupcake or a brownie. Alas not only do we not have any in the house I cannot eat them. hahahahahahha... Alora!

So that was my dieting day today. Not too shabby I think. Trying to stay motivated!

Thrifty Chicken & Broccoli

from cookbook "Cheap. Fast. Good."

*Makes 4 servings*

1 cup long-grain rice

1 can Cream of Chicken Soup

1 can fat-free chicken broth

1 pound Boneless Chicken Breasts

1 tablespoon Vegetable Oil

1 large Onion

1 clove of garlic minced

1 pound of frozen broccoli

1/2 cup low-fat Cheddar Cheese

1/2 teaspoon garlic salt

  • 1. Heat the oil over medium heat in an extra-deep 12 inch nonstick skillet that has a lid. Add onion & cubed chicken to the skillet.

  • 2. While the meat cooks, add the garlic & broccoli.

  • 3. Cook the Rice separately and set aside. Open can of Cream of Chicken Soup and after the chcken is cooked thoroughly pour in the cream of chicken soup.

    4. Serve over rice. Yum.

  • Photobucket

    1 comment:

    1. We have a recipe like that but it is made differently. I hate counting calories so I do portion control. The hunger is hard at first but I promise it gets easier! Remember, if you are breastfeeding the little one, you got to keep eating to keep supplying! That will also help with the weight loss! I wish I did that! :)
